Saša Leković managed to stop the car on the highway lane and organized the transport to the mechanic who detected the reason car was out of control. Information about that sabotage Leković posted at his FB. Here is the post:
"You all know that I am the boring guy who posts on the FB just things regarding journalism and media, sometimes some music. But this is interesting and I think it needs to be posted. Just in case. Today afternoon my car „went mad“ in the middle of the Highway. It started to tremble and then to zigzag.
I managed to stop it at the side lane and found out that my front right wheel was distorted and its mask out of its bolster. As my car is old, I thought at first that was the reason. But it did not make much sense as the car was checked by the trust worthy mechanic some twenty days ago.
The car was towed to first good mechanic and he promised to check on it and find out what was the reason as soon as possible. After some time he informed me that two screws at front right wheel were partly sawed and that after 300 km that caused them to break. (Namely, I found some parts of screws at the highway and took it with me.)
It is not the first time somebody tempered with my car screws. Once they were just half unscrewed, but the car was relatively new one and I found out quickly what was going on. This old car does not „purr“ any more so I did not see the change at once.
Sawing the screws is rather often used method of „obstructing“ the car. As I find today to be my second birthday, here is some birthday music for the „artisans...“
Note that Saša Leković has been under permanent threats for 18 months, ever since he became the CJA president. Latest incident occurred ten days ago – he was mentioned in threatening letter to Sandra Bartolović, journalist, signed by „Ustashas' snakes“ as well as in threatening letter to Branka Gabrijela Valentić, head of HINA, signed by „One HOS member“.